Night Howls

Ep. 105: Ringu (1998)

Cody Jolly and Matt Webb

Don't we lose it all every seven days...well...WELL...

This week, Matt and Cody are unkind (as usual) and rewind back to the 90's for one of the most influential Japanese Horror movies of all time. The boys pair off two at a time and cross the stormy seas to an inevitable eruption of names they can't remember, familial lineage they can't get straight, and veteran character actors they never want to forget. Not to mention: what really was on that tape in the manager's office, phone chats with bees, bangin' wigs, what was Yiochi watching and who was watching him, and how deep in the well they're willing to go themselves...and based on their already know the answer.

You don't even have to crawl through your phone to get to this week's episode, but it would help if you're already soggy.

Thanks for listening!

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