Night Howls
Welcome to Night Howls: A Horror Podcast. Join Cody and Matt as they explore the dark recesses of everyone's favorite genre. From murder mysteries to monster mashes, grab a shovel and dig in on all things horror. New episodes drop every Saturday. Make like Michael Myers and stalk us on Instagram/Twitter: @nighthowlspod
Night Howls
Ep. 121: The Strangers (2008)
This week, Matt and Cody are unscrewing a bulb and stalking their way through one of modern Horror's home invasion masterpieces. The boys unmask all the gritty details of simple story-telling, pristine direction, effective sound design, and powerfully non-method performances. Not to mention: Tamara theories, the throes of relationship woes, the fear-inducing sound of Joanna Newsom, and the real drama of the inevitable and hilarious next door neighbors. And of course, the ice cream. How could they not talk about the ice cream?!
Tamara may not be home, but you should be for this week's episode!
Thanks for listening!
Socials: https://linktr.ee/nighthowlspod